Protect Your Business Today!
Risk Management is the science of avoiding, reducing, limiting or transferring the risk of financial loss to which every firm or individual is exposed.
Reviewing RFPs and client or vendor contracts can be tricky. Send this to us and we can review the insurance and indemnification provisions. We're not lawyers but we are happy to give our opinion from an insurance perspective.
Periodically we write papers and bulletins about risk management and professional liability issues that professional face in their day-today practice.
Please find attached a CLIENT ALERT with regard to the Corporate Transparency Act that took effect January 1, 2024 (click here)
Engagement letters
We keep a library of useful engagement letters here. These are updated periodically and can provide some useful examples of the clause and terms of the agreement between a firm and clients. However, these should be reviewed by qualified counsel before usage.
We also include very useful example documents.
Real time risk management
In conjunction with the CPAGold™, CPA clients have access to a loss control hotline operated by Ralph Picardi. Ralph can be contacted on (866) 668 7475 or (ralph@picardillc.com).
In addition, various other insurers offer similar loss control services. Contact Rebecca Lombardi on (725) 231 7395 or Rickard Jorgensen at (725) 231 7959 for more details.